Tuesday, November 6, 2012

League of Legends day two tutorial

Now that you've got all the install hassle and updates out of the way you are probably itching to get out of noob status! If you haven't already played the tutorial game, do that. Other wise you may have already started playing with team mates and exploring different types of games. In that case the question is raised "If I am playing other low level opponents why are they killing me so much faster? I have tried selecting all the random buttons I don't know how to use and accomplished nothing.." It is okay for you to loose your first few games, and horribly at that. At least by the third game you should have a good idea of whats going on. The game is fairly simple, the maps are not big and the concept is clear. However the things you buy in the game only help you during that game, so now it is time to show you how to improve your game.
After playing a few games you have racked up some fight points and gold, go to the store in the top right corner. Then select Runes on the left. You are given a list of types of runes and I will show you where these go in a second. You ideally need one of each but chances are you have not unlocked them yet, however this is where you buy them when you need them. Now go to your profile, and again, select runes.
You can hold the courser over the hexagon and it will tell you if it is unlocked. Then you either purchase the item it requires or select it from a drop down menu to your left and drag it to the hexagon. You should check this after every game if you are playing alone because you always want to be improving.

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